Mass recruitment at MINESUP


Peace — Work — Fatherland



Carrying authorization to open positions.

In accordance with the very high instructions of the President of the Republic, Head of State, the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, informs the public that thirty (30) teaching posts are open to the National School of Public Works (ENSTP), for the 2023 financial year, to people of Cameroonian nationality, aged at most 45 years old on 1 October 2023 and holders of a Doctorate or PhD.
The said positions are distributed as follows:
Department of Civil Engineering: 08 positions
Department of Environmental Engineering: 04 positions Department of
Rural Engineering: 02 positions
Department of Topography - Cadastre: 04 positions Department of Town Planning 02 positions Department of the'
Department of Basic and Transversal Sciences 06 posts

After the publication of the authorization to open positions, the Director of the ENSTP will proceed with the opening of the said positions through a call for applications in the various sectors concerned.

Each candidate will submit their file to the ENSTP no later than June 23, 2023 , the strict deadline.
Cameroonians residing abroad will submit their files to diplomatic missions and consular posts, no later than June 16, 2023, the strict deadline.

The application file must include the following documents:
1. A stamped application dated less than three (03) months, addressed to the Director of the ENSTP;
2. A certified photocopy of the birth certificate dated less than three months;
3. A detailed and signed curriculum vitae;
4. Certified photocopies of all diplomas obtained from the Baccalaureate or GCE Advanced Level;
5. A copy of the Doctorate or PhD thesis;
6. Copies of articles or off-prints of any publications, if any;
7. A medical certificate dated less than three months and drawn up by a doctor in the public health sector;
8. Four 4 x 4 passport photos (in color);
9. A photocopy of the valid National Identity Card;
10. An extract from bulletin no. 3 of the criminal record dating from less than three
(03) months;
11. A certificate of service as a permanent teacher in the University of origin, duly signed by a competent authority, for candidates for the ranks of Lecturer, Lecturer and Professor;
12. A certificate of nationality and/or, in the case of applicants from the diaspora, photocopies of the passport and residence permit certified by the Cameroonian consular services;
13. A certificate of effective presence duly signed by a competent authority (for candidates holding a job);
14. Prior authorization from the user Minister or the Head of the home administration (for candidates with a job);
15. A copy of the National Disability Card (for disabled people);
16. A sworn statement relating to: (i) the authenticity of the documents presented, (ii) the effective availability of the candidate and, in the case of candidates residing abroad, (iii) the non-existence of any situation that may give rise to a double salary situation.

Said recruitment will follow the following process:
For candidates for the post of Assistant:
  Study of the file and interview of the candidate within the Council of Professors, according to the procedures to be defined by the ENSTP; opinion of the Teaching, Studies, Research and Scientific Council of the ENSTP; approval and publication of the final lists by the Minister in charge of Higher Education.
For candidates for the ranks of Lecturer, Lecturer or Professor:
  opinion of the Consultative Committee of University Institutions (CCIU); approval and publication of the final lists by the Minister in charge of Higher Education./.

1 April 28, 2023 Validation of the terms of reference, the documents for the distribution of recruitment quotas by department, the criteria for selecting candidates, the authorization to open positions and the timetable of activities by the Minister in in charge of Higher Education
2 02 May 2023 Publication of the Authorization to open positions by the Minister in charge of Higher Education.
3 03 May 2023 Publication of calls for applications by the Director of the National School of Public Works (ENSTP).
4 June 23, 2023 Deadline for receipt of application files at the ENSTP, diplomatic missions and consular posts.
5 from June 25 to 28, 2023 Examination and study of application files within the Council of Professors of the ENSTP, development of proposals for lists of eligible candidates in order of merit, as well as those of unsuccessful files.
6 June 30, 2023 Counting and study of application files within the Teaching, Studies, Research and Scientific Council of the ENSTP, development of proposals for lists of eligible candidates by order of merit, as well as those of files not retained.
7 from July 3 to 4, 2023 Meeting of the Consultative Committee of University Institutions (CCIU) for recruitment to the grades of Char é de Cours Lecturer and Professor.
8 July 17, 2023 Approval and publication of the lists of candidates definitively selected by the Minister in charge of higher education.
9 September 1, 2023 Commissioning of candidates definitively selected by the ENSTP
