MTA GOPIC is recruiting an accountant

 MTA GOPIC France is looking for a dynamic young worker for the position of accountant

 Full-time, CDD: 2 years of minimum professional experience required
 Location Yaoundé
Profile sought:
The candidate must meet the following requirements:
 Bac + 3 in one of the specialties of accounting management
 Having worked at least 2 years in a similar position
 Perfect mastery of IT tools
 Perfect mastery of the Office suite
 Perfect mastery of payroll software (SAGE SAARI, etc.)
 Languages : French, English (required)
 German (asset)
Required skills:
– Mailing and calling
– Pack office
– Negotiation
– Teamwork
– Office tools (computer, printer, scanner, landline, etc.)
– CMR law
– Collection
– Customer relations
– Reporting
– Calculation of payroll

Submission of applications

Applicants must send their various CVs + letter of motivation before 05/20/2023 to
the following e-mail address:

Addressed to the Manager of MTA GOPIC France,
Yaoundé, Rue FOUDA
